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Usa Falling Apart - Did some aspect of climate change cause a pandemic this year (compared to last year or next year)? Could pandemics be more frequent?

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Usa Falling Apart

Usa Falling Apart

2020: What a year it is! Anyone who witnessed the group of masked people who came this weekend in the midst of a deadly pandemic to protest police brutality.

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This almost seems like it should be a rhetorical question. But it's not—by understanding how we got into this mess, we might be able to find a way out.

Let's start by looking at the face value (mask) of the question: There are several factors that have contributed to the rise of zoonotic diseases - borne by animals - in recent years, as my colleague Shannon Osaka explained in an article and video. in the spring. Scientists believe that COVID-19, like some other SARS viruses, probably came from bats. It turns out that many strains of the coronavirus can be traced back to bats! Who knew these little kids were harbingers of the apocalypse?

Of course, that doesn't really happen right off the bat. Warmer temperatures (a characteristic of climate change) and environmental degradation (often associated with climate change, industrialization, or other human development products) have caused many animals to migrate from their normal habitat to humans. These factors also contribute to different species being in close proximity to each other, which increases the possibility of viruses normally found in one species "leaking" or moving to new types of animals.

Obviously, the development of the new coronavirus outbreak is gradual. But it seems that 2019 was warm enough to wipe out the insect population that some of the bats that carry Covid-19 depend on for food to cause some (unwitting) disaster for humanity. Bat habitat can be destroyed by new coal mines. You can wake up one morning and think:

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It's time to get my shit out! Get revenge on those who destroyed my house! (

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is the fourth largest pandemic caused by a new virus to hit the United States since the 1918 "Spanish Flu," which killed 50 million people worldwide. And there are so many factors and variables that lead to a pandemic outbreak that you can say, "Yes, of course it happened this time" or "No, it could happen at any time." It's impossible to know for sure. But climate change and habitat destruction

It will certainly work together to create conditions more conducive to the spread of disease, which means that pandemics will likely become more common as the world warms.

Usa Falling Apart

The reality is that highly contagious, destructive diseases have always been a part of human life, although real pandemics occur several times a century. This is a fact shared by the Earth and other living beings; it just happens. But humans seem to be equipped with ways to limit the spread of disease and help heal those who do. Today, thanks to advances in medicine and the sharing of information and communication, this is truer than ever!

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And yet. The United States of America, the incredibly rich and seemingly most advanced country—definitely the most expensive! - the global medical system has already lost 100,000 lives to COVID-19, and many more are to come. That doesn't even take into account the far-reaching hardships caused by economic collapses as drastic as, by some measures, the Great Depression. For example, the current unemployment rate is over 20 percent.

The reality is that what some call the "lost spring" (and what may be the "lost year") is not the result of a single infectious disease, but of many long-term crises, including structural forms of injustice. As with everything in American society, the damage caused by the coronavirus is unevenly distributed between races. Black Americans are three times more likely to die from COVID than whites, and 40 percent of black-owned businesses have closed due to social distancing measures. In April, the unemployment rate for blacks and Latinos was 16.7 percent and 18.9 percent, respectively, compared to 14.2 percent for whites. This difficulty continues to enter the cycle of racial inequality in this country.

The destruction of American society that we are witnessing in real time, one could argue, could only happen at this moment. This involves a nightmarish confluence of terrible leadership, centuries of racial oppression, unprecedented wealth inequality, erosion of the social safety net, privatization of medicine, over-consolidated supply chains, politicization of science, a highly globalized economy, and one. bat stray or mischievous. Oh, and climate change and environmental degradation can cause bats to misbehave.

COVID-19 can appear at any time, just like a virus. However, the extent to which it is ravaging American society has nothing to do with the virus itself. Other countries, such as New Zealand and South Korea, faced the same disease and came out the other side with more deaths and less severe economic damage. This is mostly about governance and management.

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It's also a glimpse of what climate change can do. A highly contagious respiratory virus is an unfortunate reality; it won't go away and it's a challenge to overcome. Climate change, as such, is coming whether we pay attention or not. Communities, cities and states need to take steps to make sure it doesn't kill us all. That's what adaptation means, and that's why people talk about things like seashores and tree cover and manage to retreat.

But building a climate resistant society requires more than just building or planting! Here I generally recommend you vote for a leader who supports building and planting all of them, and

The most important thing is to reduce carbon emissions first. Yes, do it. And further, elect leaders who will provide the systems of a starving society to truly support those who need them. Vote for those who understand and want

Usa Falling Apart

What non-white experiences, what bad experiences, what immigrants experience. Without all these things, a climate resilient civilization cannot exist.

Historic Wooden Wagon Falling Apart, Gold Hill, Nevada, Usa Stock Photo

If anything is clear from the United States' unique and unknown suffering over the past week as a result of the collision of the virus pandemic and police brutality, it is that voting is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition. You, of course, wrote to me to ask why the pandemic is happening now, probably because it seems like a very unique time for the country to deal with it. Not only do we have the worst possible leader, we have a general lack of leadership.

Going back just a few months, I believe there is an opportunity for this alternate version of American history where an incredibly dangerous virus doesn't kill so many people and destroy so many lives. But even in this universe, it's important to recognize that pre-pandemic life wasn't great for most people. Reversing this path and "restoring order" is a frightening prospect because the long-standing order has created a society that is unsustainable from almost any social, environmental or economic perspective.

Anger Anger that leaders have missed the opportunity to strengthen the nation beyond its military capabilities, dismantle the racist system and promote equality, and enact laws and policies designed to prevent a crisis that, by all accounts, was predictable.

Then I think you should show your anger by protesting, by throwing your money or your time or whatever you have at a worthy organization that will put it in the right hands, or just scream and shout if necessary. And while the electorate seems inadequate when so many feel wronged, that is the necessary condition for change - to make those in power aware that they have created this mess and that they are responsible.

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